We value inclusive community and we also value the privacy of our members.

If you would like to attend CO GS Girls events, please apply here to join as a member and get access fun event details!

All bikes and genders are welcome!

Group Rules

Don't Be an Asshole

This is self-explanatory, but just know that we'll kick you out if you're not cool.

No Drama

We don't take ourselves too seriously and neither should you.  If you are easily offended (you will often see pictures of us flipping each other off out of love), we're probably not the right group for you.

Be Inclusive

If you have a problem with others who have a different skin color, genitalia, religion, political opinion or sexual orientation as you, please delete this email and move along. We welcome women, men, riders of ALL makes/models of motorcycles, and people from all over the world to our group. ALL are welcome, so long as they are supportive of our women riders.